Carolyn Waterfall, MS, LPC

Trainer, Facilitator, Coach, Counselor

Links & Thinks

Crucial Conversations

DailyGood: News That Inspires

  ​DailyGood promotes positive and uplifting news around the world.

Don’t believe everything you think: The 6 basic mistakes we make in thinking. Thomas Kida. Random House, 2006.

Full Catastrophe Living (Revised Edition): Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness. Jon Kabat-Zinn. Bantam. 2013


Interpersonal Neurobiology

http://www.drdansieg nal_neurobiology/

​Who would you be without your story? The Work of Byron Katie.

Working With Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman. Random House. 2006.